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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

 One Year Later . . .

Googling Coronavirus today brings up some shocking statistics. Globally over 2.8 million have died from Covid 19, while 72.8 million out of 128 million cases have recovered. In the United States, a chaotic and disorganized initial response contributed to the deaths of over 550,000 individuals. 

One of the former government's top healthcare administrators recently stated that while 100,000 deaths were attributable to the initial surge in cases, the majority of those that followed were preventable deaths.

 No one ever expected to write such paragraphs in the 21st century. How much have we learned in 2020 about the fragility of human life?

 As James put it in the first century:

 "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow . . .

 "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14)

We are some of the fortunate ones. By the grace of God we have sheltered in place for one year. Now we are fully vaccinated, and we learned today that our local daughter and son-in law are scheduled to receive theirs on April 6. Other members of our family in Texas, Illinois, and California have received their first shots. We have many reasons to give thanks, and we are especially grateful to be in good health with access to great healthcare.

So, starting today, in the Spring of 2021, we will celebrate life and live with a renewed sense of gratitude.

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