So if you have an hour to spend, two recent NPR discussions with Rev. James Cone and Rev. Dwight Hopkins provide a balanced introduction to black liberation theology.
You can find their interviews here Cone’s presentation is “Black Liberation Theology in its Founder’s Words.”
And Hopkins interview is here
his is titled, “Black Liberation Theology: A Historical Perspective.”
The Rev. James Cone is the founder of black liberation theology. Cone's books include Black Theology and Black Power, God of the Oppressed, and Risks of Faith. He teaches at Manhattan's Union Theological Seminary.
The Rev. Dwight Hopkins is an ordained Baptist minister and a professor of theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School. His books, include, Walk Together Children and Being Human: Race, Culture, and Religion.
I found both presentations insightful and balanced, and encourage you to check them out for yourself. Senator Obama’s complete speech can be viewed in its entirety here: