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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pray for those Battling Coronovirus!

 Jesus Healed An Epileptic Boy

According to Luke, the very next day as he descended from the mount of transfiguration, a crowd had already gathered to meet Jesus:

“Then on the following day, as they came down the hill-side a great crowd met him. Suddenly a man from the crowd shouted out, “Master, please come and look at my son! He’s my only child, and without any warning some spirit gets hold of him and he calls out suddenly. Then it convulses him until he foams at the mouth, and only after a fearful struggle does it go away and leave him bruised all over. I begged your disciples to get rid of it, but they couldn’t.”

“You really are an unbelieving and difficult people,” replied Jesus, “How long must I be with you, how long must I put up with you? Bring him here to me.”

But even while the boy was on his way, the spirit hurled him to the ground in a dreadful convulsion. Then Jesus reprimanded the evil spirit, healed the lad and handed him back to his father. And everybody present was amazed at this demonstration of the power of God. (Luke 9:37-43, J.B. Phillips The New Testament in Modern English, Geoffrey Bles Ltd., 1960)

A father’s love for his only son drove him to make an urgent appeal to Jesus. We don’t have many details, but Luke reports that an evil spirit would take control of his son, throw him into convulsions, and leave him battered and bruised.

But Jesus overcame the evil spirit, healed the boy, and handed him back to his father.

By looking at one individual’s anguish, seeing the bruised boy, and feeling the pain of a desperate father, we are reminded how such scenes are repeated every day, every night, all around the world. Like the father in Luke’s account we cry out to God to bring healing into our desperate situation.

In the year 2020, a novel coronavirus is sweeping away lives in country after country.

When can it be slowed down? When can a vaccine stop this virus? 

                 Pray for God’s Protection & Power for those Battling Coronavirus!

Let us join in prayer and ask God to demonstrate his power through the heroic doctors, nurses, caregivers, and first responders who are risking their lives to save others.