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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Remembering Gutenberg's Artistry

Last month we journeyed to Southern California to attend the 41st version of the California International Antiquarian Book Fair in Los Angeles over the weekend of February 15—17th.

Nearly 200 dealers from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Argentina, and Australia display samples of every kind of book imaginable. “Overwhelming” best describes the impact of spending a few hours wandering and browsing among these treasures. The next day we added an impromptu visit to the nearby Huntington Library.

This unique Library displays one of 12 copies of the 42-line Gutenberg Bible (regarded as the first book printed with moveable type by Johann Gutenberg around 1452 to 1455).

Truly amazing to see a book made over 500 years ago. Here’s a kind of contemporary tribute to Gutenberg’s pioneering accomplishments from some 20th Century artisans:


Unknown said...

if only i had $11k lying around...

Bern Thompson said...

You can take a tour at Arion Press in the Presidio (Thursdays, I think, by arrangement)and at least see one or more of their works close-up!

Mike Netzer said...

Bern, it was great meeting you today. I know this comment isn't directly related to this post, but what are you gonna do about it? I think you've got some great stuff here in the first few entries I've read. As soon as I setup a blogspot or straight up website, I'll post it (and make sure Andy links me on his blogspot).

Bern Thompson said...

Hey Mike, it was really great to meet you and Veronica also!!! I'll be looking for more new writing on your blog after finding my way to it courtesy of Andy and Veronica's blogs . . . take good care!!!